
A single line of text

A div containing

More than one line of text
and block level elements
An inline element

This line has lots of spaces.

This line has a non-breaking space

This line has a   non-breaking space and spaces

These lines  
  have leading and trailing NBSPs  

This line has text within elements that are meant to be displayed inline

before pre

   This section has a preformatted
    text block    
  split in four lines

after pre

Some text

Some more text


Some text

Some more text

and also

Hello, world
with document.write and with document.write again

this link should break
on multiple lines
Top level
beforeSpace afterSpace
a link to an icon {a="b", c=1, d=true} {a="\\b\\\"'\'"}            ​‌‍  ⁠ test            ​‌‍  ⁠